All grades of village schools throughout Turkey and all independent pre-schools began face to face education on February 15. Starting from March 1, primary schools, pre-school classes and special education students will go to school two days of week for face to face education. 8th grade students in regular secondary schools and imam-hatip schools will start face to face education on March 1. The second term will begin with distance education for high school students. On March 1, 12th grade students will begin face to face education on certain days of the week.Second term of 2020-2021 school year began on February 15, Monday.
All grades of village schools in the entire company and all independent pre-schools began face to face education on February 15. Starting from March 1, primary schools, pre-school classes and special education students will go to school two days of week for face to face education. 8th grade students in regular secondary schools and imam-hatip schools will start face to face education on March 1. School days and class hours will be determined by school administrations and teachers.
5th, 6th and 7th grade students will continue with distance education
Before the beginning of face to face education, the Ministry completed disinfection, cleaning and repair of village schools throughout the country. The Ministry took measures in line with the "Establishment of Hygiene Conditions, Prevention and Control of Infection in Education Institutions Guide" as a part of new type of corona virus (Covid-19) precautions.
Teacher attended online professional improvement programs during the semester holiday.
Special education institutions for primary and secondary school students
Special education institutions affiliated to the Directorate for Special Education and Guidance Services will start face to face education for primary and secondary schools for five days a week starting from March 1. Science and Arts Centers will also start face to face lessons. Special education schools and classes will also start face to face education on the same date.
Class hours in face to face and distance education in primary, secondary and imam-hatip schools will be 30 minutes and breaks will be 10 minutes.
Transition to face to face education for high school students
The second term will begin with distance education for high school students. On March 1, 12th grades students will begin face to face education for certain hours on certain days of the week. On March 1, senior high school students will start to attend face to face education at least for 16 times a week and their class hours will be maximum 24 hours. These lessons will be planned by considering the expectations and needs of students who will enter central university exams.
Meanwhile, 12th grade students will continue with distance education. Students will be responsible for all face to face and distance education lessons they attended during the assessment of their success.
Special education high schools began distance education on February 15 and starting from March 1, special education high school students will have face to face education for 5 times a week.
Decisions concerning exams
Examination calendar for high school students who did not enter the exams in the first term will be planned by group teachers. Exams are planned to be completed within two weeks during March.
Required measures and all transactions concerning exams will be completed by the provincial directorates of national education and will be recorded in the e-school system until March 19.
Responsibility examinations planning
Responsibility examinations will be planned by the directorates of education institutions between March 1 and 31.
Students who continue their education through distance education will be able to enter the exam in their hometowns including Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in an effort to reduce mobility. Students of vocational and technical high schools, fine arts and sports high schools will also enter the exam in their hometowns.
Within this context, parents of mentioned students will submit a petition about their preferred place of examination until February 26, Friday.
Exam plans in the second term for high school students
Grades of high school students in the second term of the 2020-2021 school year will be assessed by calculating exam grades regardless of weekly class hours, performance grade and participation in the classes as well as homework projects.
First exams of the second term will be completed until April 16, 2021 and provincial directorates of education will carry out the face to face exams.
Students with chronic illness or students who have a chronically ill member in their families will enter the exam in a suitable time and in an isolated environment.
UDEP will be used to solve learning loss that may occur due to distance education
Parents who do not want to send their children to school for face to face education will submit a written application to school administrations. Students who do not attend face to face classes will not be recorded as absent.
Meanwhile, the National Support Program (UDEP) will be used to solve learning loss problems that may occur due to distance education.