"I am in the Remedial Training Too" program by the Ministry of National Education will continue until August 31. Including educational activities for students, teachers and parents on a voluntary basis, the program will be based on four main themes: "physical training activities ", "social emotional activities", "activities on academic development" and "special education ". Details on scientific, social, cultural, sportive educational activities and events to be held throughout the school, district and province as a part of the program can be accessed at "https://telafidebendevarim.meb.gov.tr "."I am in the remedial training too" program prepared by our Ministry for students from primary, secondary and high school levels, starts tomorrow and will continue until August 31.
Distance education, which was started on August 31 by the Ministry of National Education using TRT EBA, EBA and online live classes, was carried out either by distant or face-to-face means due to the Covid-19 pandemic measures.
At the end of the 2020-2021 school year, access to report cards and achievement certificates of students at all levels from e-SCHOOL were opened by our Ministry as of June 18. Starting from June 21, our Ministry organized academic, physical, social, emotional, cultural and sports activities regarding the needs of students in pre-school, primary and secondary schools.
In this process, besides social, sportive and cultural activities, education and training activities were carried out in other fields that high school students in distance education were to be supported.
"I am in the Remedial Training Too" program begins
Once exams were completed, "I am in remedial training too" program was to start as the summer vacation part of the National Support Program (UDEP) which will last for 1,5 years. The remedial training program will be held on July 5-August 31.
In the meantime, students will be able to benefit from facilities and centers affiliated to the municipalities as well as to the Ministry of Family and Social Policies, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Interior.
Details on scientific, social, cultural, sportive educational activities and events to be held throughout the school, district and province as a part of the program can be accessed at "https://telafidebendevarim.meb.gov.tr".
Including educational activities for students, teachers and parents based on voluntary participation, the program will be planned based on four main themes: "physical training activities ", "social emotional activities", "activities on academic development" and "special education ".
Summer school will be opened for students who cannot benefit from pre-school education
Summer schools will be opened for students who will start primary school in September but could not benefit from pre-school education in order to increase the children's level of readiness and to ensure a level playing field for children when they start primary school with their peers.
Limited to the 2020-2021 school year, students who have received pre-school education will also be able to enroll in summer school, provided that children who have not received pre-school education are registered with priority.
In pre-school education, parents' demands for a full-time kids club will be met by opening those clubs. Summer school and kids clubs will start the week after the report cards are given.
Literacy screening will be launched for students who have passed to 2nd grade
Within the scope of the program, a literacy screening test will be launched for students who have passed to 2nd grade. Additional courses and additional material support will be provided to the students according to the results of these tests. In addition, 3rd and 4th grade students will be supported with the "Training Program for Primary School Students (İYEP).
Workbooks prepared for 1st -8th grade students and complementary worksheets for 1st -4th students as a part of the support program will be distributed for free in September.
Our Ministry aims to open schools in the 2021-2022 school year and to provide full time face to face education.