With the education recess at schools as a part of the coronavirus measures, EBA became the center of distance education in Turkey and ranked first among global education platforms in April. Announcing digital data concerning distance education between March 23 and April 30, 2020, Director General of Innovations and Education Technologies Anıl Yılmaz stated that EBA reinforced its position among education platforms in the world.On March 23, 2020, the Ministry of National Education started distance education on three different television channels namely EBA TV Primary School, EBA TV Secondary Schooland EBA TV High School and 'eba.gov.tr'.
Announcing digital data concerning distance education between March 23 and April 30 2020, Director General of Innovations and Education Technologies Anıl Yılmaz said EBA was clicked 1.2 billion times, 66% of them from mobile devices, 29% of them from PCs and 5% from tablets.
Yılmaz went on to say: "Education has been interrupted in approximately 200 countries of the world due to the coronavirus pandemic. With the advantage of acting fast and the help of already existing preparations, we are one of the two countries who started distance education at the national scale. It was important to start distance education immediately but it was also important to maintain sustainability and performance. Results we obtained are really pleasing. Today, EBA ranks 6th among education platforms in the world with 1.2 clicks. It is the 12th most visited website of Turkey. That was the figures of last month. New data reveals that EBA reinforced its position among education platforms in the world."
The number of students who use EBA contents reached 6 million 90 thousand 383 and number of teachers who use EBA is 900 thousand 188. The number of live classes onEBA reached 1 million. EBA loaded 978 thousand 313 live classes. 884 thousand 727 students preparing for Higher Education Exam (YKS) used the EBA Academic Support module. The number of teachers who used the Academic Support module is 161 thousand 527."
1078 hours of broadcast in one month
In addition to 'eba.gov.tr', a total of 1078 hours of broadcasts were aired in the last 29 days; 337 hours of it were made in EBA TV Primary School, 341 hours in EBA TV Secondary School and 400 hours in EBA TV High School.
Since the beginning of the process, 674 teachers from 93 different branches filmed 2080 class videos in 10 different studios of the TRT and the Ministry of National Education.
Moreover, the Ministry taped extra carricular activities. 20 of these were about private education awareness, 20 of them were experiments, 21 of them were activities, 30 of them were guidance, 39 were smart break and 27 were hobbies and folk songs.