Minister of National Education Ziya Selçuk said that thousands of schools have applied for receiving "My Clean School Certificate" adding that, "We will control every single one of them and then decide if they are ready for face to face education.Minister of National Education Ziya Selçuk attended the distribution ceremony of "My School Clean Certificate" organized in the Gümüşoluk Primary School as a part of the drive to development of hygiene conditions and prevention of infections at schools. Noting that the Ministry is working in an effort to open the doors of schools on September 21 to students who will start distance education on August 31, Selçuk stated they will make their final decision by considering scientific data and findings and with consulting the Science Board and the Ministry of Health. Minister Selçuk stressed that the Ministry of National Education does not take decisions on its own and these decisions have deep impact on the society as a whole and consider different parts of the society. Selçuk reminded that within this framework, his Ministry has signed a cooperation protocol with the Turkish Standards Institute (TSE) and the Ministry of Industry for the "Development of hygiene and infection prevention" adding that they have planed all subjects in detail such as how students will act at schools, hygiene rules concerning classrooms and corridors, wet areas and school garden, issues which teachers and school administrators pay attention and rules about the school buses.
Selçuk stressed that they have carried out all these activities in order to create the infrastructure that will allow all schools to receive "My School is Clean Certificate" and they also prepared guidelines for students, parents, school administrators and teachers. Stating that the Ministry has organized training programs for 2 thousand inspectors for the inspection of schools, Selçuk said that they have started to distribute clean certificate to schools which completed their infrastructure.
"Getting a certificate and responding to all required conditions for once are not enough. This is a process and sustainability is important. We have to sustain the conditions and inspection trainings. Within this context, we have developed a software program for the control of all schools," stated Minister Selçuk.
"Our point of view is sustainability"
Minister Selçuk stressed that certification of hygiene conditions of school is not enough and it is necessary to consider the issue from the view point of other actors. Listing needs as counseling services, preparation of guidelines, preparation of public spots and production of videos and orientation of students, Selçuk said, "Due to this reason, we have adapted a point of view based on sustainability for the safety of our students, parents and teachers".
Selçuk stated that vocational schools and public education centers achieved a success which can set an example to the whole world in the production of disinfectants and masks adding that, "As we have confidence in our own sources, we have no concerns about mask and disinfectants needs of schools. We do our own production."
"This certificate is the beginning. There are thousands of schools that applied for this certificate. We will make necessary controls and we will distribute certificates according to these audits."
Minister Selçuk answered questions about important topics concerning education
Minister Selçuk also answered the questions put to him by members of the press about important topics concerning education. Answering a question about the beginning of face to face education, Selçuk stressed that they have been in touch with the Ministry of Health and related institutions but they cannot make certain decision for now. "There will be a gradual opening, we will open face to face education for certain grades when we agree that there is no health risk for our students," said Selçuk.
"We are among the first three countries in the world which can give live classes via video conference system. In this light, we successfully reach millions of students. We also know that there are students that we cannot reach. We are aware and we are working on projects in order to reach them. We prioritize quality of opportunity. We have the responsibility to reach every child. We have no problems about accession and infrastructure but there are some regions in Turkey that have some shortcomings in their infrastructure due to economic reasons. We are taking required measures about these regions."
"Contact free games" booklets will be available across Turkey
Making comments about contact free games that students will play during breaks at school, Minister Selçuk said the Ministry has made a list including thousands of games and prepared a contact free games booklet for children. This booklet will be available across Turkey, stated Ziya Selçuk.
Regulation for students who have chronic patients in their families
Regarding what the Ministry is planning to do if a student has a senior or a chronic patient in his family, Selçuk stated that lawyers of the Ministry are working on this issue and the Ministy has a flexible approach about distance education possibility for such students. "Moreover, we have prepared and completed a plan about monitoring the health conditions of all parents, students, teachers, school bus drivers and other school personnel via the HES code. We are cooperating with the Ministry of Health in this subject," Minister Selçuk stressed.
"We cannot ignore vested rights"
Concerning a question about the situation of students who will enter Higher Education Institute Exam (YKS) next year, Selçuk said, "As a principle, we never neglect vested rights of students and we always consider their advantages. This is not an issue which only concerns the Ministries of Health and National Education. All related state offices and ministries came together under the leadership of our esteemed President and took joint decisions. Like we made improvements for students who entered exams last year, we are going to do what is needed for them during these exams."
"We must consider rightful demands of parents"
Answering a question if the Ministry will take any decisions about private study centers which will start face to face training during the distance education period and tuitions paid for private schools, Minister Selçuk said, "As a result of our contacts and meetings with private schools about distance education, we are expecting them to take some decisions. We must consider the rightful demands of parents in this subject."
Concerning a question if he has a message for parents, Selçuk stated, "Our duty is to open schools and start the training process. Of course, there are some other issues which are more crucial than the education of the students of this country. Under the condition of taking necessary health measures, we are working in every front in order to open schools as soon as possible. Our teachers, regional directors and school principals are working in an effort to achieve this goal. We are taking every necessary measure but we have some expectations from the public. This is the main reason why we repeat, 'we are going to open schools together.'"
Press members sat at outdoor "Forest Class" which was organized in the school garden according to social distance rules and there were masks, disinfectants and hygiene guides at the desks.
Following his speech, Minister Ziya Selçuk wrote, "We are going to open schools together" on the blackboard and added, "This is the summary of our situation. We are going to open schools together and we are determined to start face to face education."
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