"The Ministry of National Education will provide choice guidance services to students who have entered the central High School Entrance System (LGS) examination and the Higher Education Examination."Minister of National Education Ziya Selçuk his speech regarding the issue stated that it is necessary to teach children how to be process-driven instead of being result oriented and the biggest reward is actually the journey of learning.
Recalling that students recently entered central High School Entrance System (LGS) examination and Higher Education Examination, Selçuk went on to say: "We will be the guide for our students when they get their results and at the stage when they are required to make a preference for high school or university. We established "choice guidance departments" in schools affiliated to our ministry and Counseling and Research Centers. These departments will give choice guidance services to the students who have entered these exams. Choice guidance department will also give services on the Education Information Network (EBA). Students who have not yet graduated and who have no internet connection will benefit from choice guidance services provided by Counseling and Research Centers (RAM). This guidance service aims at providing contribution to students in making the right decision about their choice by considering the conditions of their families."
Guidelines concerning the establishment of Choice Guidance Departments are published in the website of the General Directorate of Special Education Guidance and Counseling Services affiliated to the Ministry of National Education. According to the guidelines, these departments will guide students during their enrollment in the higher education institution according to their interests, skills and abilities. They will give guidance services to students and their parents during their decision making process. Work schedule of these departments will be announced later.