The National Education Council known as the highest advisory board of the Ministry of National Education will convene after seven years with a large participation. The Council which prepares advisory decisions concerning education and training with the purpose of "improving the Turkish national education system and increasing its quality" will be chaired by the Minister of National Education Mahmut Özer."Officials from the Ministries, public institutions and offices, local administrations, universities and local and international professional organizations, nongovernmental organizations, private sector, press, student and parent representatives and education experts will be invited to the Council which will be participated by the Turkish Parliament National Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Commission Chairman and members, Deputy Ministers of National Education and "natural members" of directorates of generals affiliated to the Ministry.
Minister of National Education Mahmut Özer stated that they are happy to experience the joy of reconvening the council after a long time adding that, "The title of 20th National Education Council will be Equal Opportunity in Education. We are planning to establish special specialized commissions under three main titles, namely "Equal Opportunity in Basic Education", "Improvement of Vocational Education" and "Professional Improvement of Teachers."
Noting that working groups in different subjects varying from pre-school education to university entrance system will be established in addition to the specialized expertise commissions, Minister Özer said, "Participants from all cities of the country will be elected to the board in order to organize local meetings in 26 different spots and prepare preparatory reports. Special expert reports which will be prepared within the context of the council will be sent to members. Council decisions are taken by majority votes of its members and published in the Communiqué Records after the approval of the Minister. 20th National Education Council will convene under the auspicious of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and I would like to express my gratitude to His Excellency the President for his support."
20th National Education Council will meet in Ankara between December 1 and 3.